Saturday, October 1, 2016

What Good Can Come From Suffering?

Thoughts on suffering


I talk to many on a daily basis who have been or are walking through some very painful hardships.  We all have a story. No one is untouched by some form of suffering. Some have endured the death of a spouse, child, friend or parent, terrible illness, financial ruin, betrayal, depression, anxiety, divorce and so many others I could list. It is a word we do not like to hear or talk about. It is painful to say the least. If no one has acknowledged your suffering and pain, allow me to say with all sincerity of heart, I am truly sorry for what you are going through or have been through. I am extending a virtual hug and acknowledgement that the "struggle is real" I get it.
Suffering is not fair and we will never make logical sense out of it.
 We are tempted to ask "Why me?" "I do not deserve this" "What did I do to deserve this?" 
I have had my share of sufferings and I have thought some of those very things I just stated.  I have also felt abandoned at times. I felt I would never make it or recover. There were moments I did not even want to make it because the pain was so deep and all consuming.  Discouragement sets in. Despair. Life becomes a huge effort just to make it through the day. Suffering is real and it is painful.


Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Truth About Growth: Growing in the Journey

growth for journey
Everyday presents us with the opportunity for new growth.  The journey is certainly a process of GROWTH! Nothing grows without some type of source providing it the very thing it needs to thrive and grow.   Personal growth is necessary, exciting and costly. To stay comfortable and dig in our heals right where we are is DEADLY.  To choose to die in the painful stretching would be forfeiting ALL that God has for us!  Growth comes in different ways. It can come thru experiences or circumstances.  Some may be good and some may be difficult. I have found in my own life that deep growth in my walk with Jesus has come thru the very challenging or painful times in my journey.  BUT the good or the fruit that comes from that is a desperation for HIM  that desires to go deeper.  It must go deeper or we will not make it! Been there? I have many times. One thing I have always said along the way is that their are times I dislike the process very much. I do not like pain or discomfort. I do not like injustice or  when things happen that are out of my control.  I love when my little world is balanced, peaceful and everyone is getting along. I know. I hear you. Totally unrealistic. That's how my world looks in my "Pink Bubble".  Just keeping it real! Can you relate? It is in these times that most of our greatest growth can take place.  The other thing I say is that the process is necessary and I MUST embrace it! Help me Jesus!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

3 Ways to Experience Joy in the Journey

Experiencing Joy in the Journey

sunflower joy

  I am overall a very positive upbeat person.  I choose to see things half full and not half empty. I want to find the good in others and in my circumstances. I have struggled along the way to experience the fullness of that JOY in the journey. Too often I have allowed circumstances or people dictate my JOY.  Like most things in life, experiencing that God given JOY in the midst of hard times is a process.  The first thing we must get straight is the true definition of JOY.  Joy is not happiness or meant to feel good all the time. That's impossible. Even for people who are upbeat and optimistic. Yes, it is true we can get joy out of  doing great things, experiencing beautiful relationships, holding our precious baby for the first time and doing something we just absolutely love to do.  All these things are circumstantial. Things change. People change.  Daily we are walking at the same time with joy and sorrow.  Happiness is fleeting and temporary.  Joy is the sustaining grace to enable us to walk through both the good and the bad. This is not of our own, but from God Himself.  As with everything we must look to God's Word and His truth.  What does real JOY look like? How can I experience JOY in this journey called life?

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Don't Get Discouraged! It Will Happen! Hebrews 10:25

A Walk of Faith

journey with robin
"Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness." Romans 4:3

Today  I have come face to face with some harsh opposition against the PROMISE God has given me. Do you have a dream or promise from God? Are you still waiting for Him to bring it to pass? I am confident that I am not alone today.  The wait can be long. The facts can and will stack up against the promise. Our feelings and emotions want to take over.  The reality of  today is screaming opposite of what God promised.  Temptation and discouragement are inviting us to walk down the path of unbelief.  Have you been there? Maybe like me you are there today.  It is at this very moment you and I have to make a decision to BELIEVE the TRUTH of God's Word over the facts of our circumstances.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Once Upon a Time: God in the Midst of Shattered Dreams

Once Upon a Time

 We all have daydreamed, planned and prayed for BIG DREAMS for our future.  And we should. It starts as a small child. "When I grow up"...  fill in the blank. We can't wait to experience life and we begin working towards those dreams. We anticipate and long for the day our dreams will come true.  We even write the script for how it will all happen and what it will all look like. The college, the career, the ministry, the spouse, the home, the car, the perfect kids.  Right? So exciting! Ahh: Smile!  We know God has big plans for us and they are GOOD.  He has given us promises and dreams.  As we get older, we become consumed with the "dream".  We want it so bad!  For me it was becoming a teacher, serve in ministry, marry a man who will serve & love God along side me, a man who will love, honor and cherish me, be the perfect wife, be the perfect Christian,  become a mommy(and be the BEST mommy ever!) and live happily ever after in glorious bliss!  I'm pretty confident that I am not alone in this "dream"  process. How about you? What is your Once Upon a Time? 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Hebrews 11:1 The Journey Starts Here with my New Blog


Filled with joy, sorrow, ups, downs, twist and turns.  Always changing. Growing. Successes and failures. At times exciting. At times it feels like a losing battle.  My life has not led me on the journey that I thought I would travel but it has given me the experiences that molded me into  the woman I am today. Life does not always go as planned. What do we do then? Life is not always fair. How do we respond? Like you, I have had my share of struggles as well as beautiful miracles.  I am still on the "journey" and I would love you to join me.  Life is always better when traveling with someone. Let's be real. Let's connect. Share pieces of our journey. We need each other to keep going. Today is a new day.  Thank God for the gift of life and the journey we are on.
